Today, scholars toured the Grapevine Wastewater Treatment Plant. They learned all about the chemical and filtration methods used to treat the water! At this plant, 4.5 million gallons for drinking water are treated per day. They manage two to three plants, seven filters, and four water towers that they fill up twice per day to deliver a safe and adequate supply of drinking water to Grapevine. Check out Ms. Eichinger and my pictures from our scholars touring the plant!
Lake Water Treatment
At the Grapevine and TRA water treatment plants, the lake water goes through several treatment processes where chemicals such as chlorine, ozone, alum, fluoride, caustic soda, ammonia, potassium permanganate and polymer are added to purify the water. After the water is purified, it is pumped into your homes through more than 280 miles of distribution pipelines.
Source: 2011 City of Grapevine Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
At the Grapevine and TRA water treatment plants, the lake water goes through several treatment processes where chemicals such as chlorine, ozone, alum, fluoride, caustic soda, ammonia, potassium permanganate and polymer are added to purify the water. After the water is purified, it is pumped into your homes through more than 280 miles of distribution pipelines.
Source: 2011 City of Grapevine Annual Drinking Water Quality Report